The plan hasn�t yet received the official go ahead and the Summerside Port Corporation, owners of Spinnakers� Landing, say they had planned to free-up the space for some type of development.
�It was always our plan to move those away,� corporation president Arnold Croken said. �They were surplus buildings. To make room there for development of the rest of the land, we moved them and we put them on the former Burger King property for the winter. We want to evaluate whether we can use those buildings somewhere else in the waterfront locations before we make a final decision on them.
�That parcel is for that project that�s being worked on so this frees it up if it goes ahead and if it doesn�t, it will be looked at for other potential development.�
The corporation has been undertaking a significant facelift for the landing.
�We�re still doing a fair bit of work upgrading Spinnakers�,� Croken said. �It�s in need of a lot of repair. We are finishing up the work now. We�ve put new roofs, all steel roofs on all of the buildings around the horseshoe. We�ve done a lot of repair and replacing (of deck boards). We�ve pressure-washed all of the deck where there was a lot of black mold attached through the wet environment over the years. We�ve cleaned all of that up.�
The area will take on a new look when it re-opens next summer making it more visible and attractive.
�In the spring, we�ll have a water fountain in the pond in front of the gazebo at Spinnakers�,� Croken said. �It will be running all summer and it will be bringing some attention there in the water zone with backlighting.�
Croken said a new speaker/sound system will be installed. There are six building with speakers attached to them to broadcast music and events that take place at the landing.