�Enable Healthcare offers a web-based system called MDnet that provides doctors with a number of services that allows them to manage their practice more easily,� said provincial Minister of Innovation and Advanced Learning Allan Campbell. MDnet keeps track of billing and claims, provides ePrescription connections with pharmacies and labs, and allows for 24-hour access to trained support personnel.
Anthony Subbiah, president and co-founder of Enable Healthcare, said the progressive attitude taken by all levels of government and the co-operation afforded to his company, were key elements in making the decision to locate in Summerside, along with the availability of a skilled workforce. He said the company intends to be established here before the end of April and will begin with six core employees and expects there will be a need for as many as 20 employees by the end of their first year. �We believe that all the talent that we need is here in P.E.I.,� he said. �We believe that we will be growing this business to a substantial headcount of possibly 50 over the next three years.�
Fisheries and Oceans Minister Gail Shea was among those on hand in downtown Summerside for the announcement. �Revitalization of this building is making it possible to allow more organizations like Enable Healthcare Canada to expand to Summerside,� Shea said. Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency is helping cover startup costs with an investment of $497,000 through its Business Development Program. Campbell said the Province will bolster the federal contribution to the new business with a $200,000 investment from the Equity Investor Program. The company will also be eligible for up to $662,000 in labour wage rebates from the provincial government.